In preparing for creation of the photobook for my mini project I started by reviewing all the images from the different visits to the Sandford Mill Water Treatment Plant. I created an initial selection of images that I felt worked together to tell the story of the building in a book format. In addition to these images I printed pages from the brochure the was published for the opening if the facility in 1955. I printed the images in a square format about the size of polaroid images and started to lay them out on the floor to create an initial page sequence. It would have been ideal if I could have stuck them on a whiteboard on the wall so that I could view the order and sequence over a number of days and repeatedly looking at the order of images and removing images that do not support the narrative I want to tell.

For future book dummies I am considering investing in a magnetic whiteboard that I can use to attach different pieces of information. My current approach is to use a digital workflow and look at the images and layouts on a 4K 27in monitor which is an ideal solution for rapid book prototyping and reduces the cost of consumables required to create physical dummies. The negative impact of this approach is tactile aspect of the book dummy is lost even my quarter scale dummy helps the designer engage in the book format is a way that is closer to the end product.
The first dummy helped to confirm all the required components of the book were available.