Amy Simmons Treatment – Activity

Amy Simmons set the following treatment brief:

“This is for a European department store who is trying to break into the UK market, so that’s the client that you need to have in mind. The target market is UK shoppers, any gender aged 20 – 30. The brief itself is a campaign about how people have intimate and personal relationships with inanimate objects. You should focus on an item of your choosing within the treatment. It can be clothing, a book, a piece of art, food, electronic item, basically, anything that someone might purchase in a department store.”

Formats: this is a key point. The brief is just for one asset, so one shot, but it will be for a social media post. As I talked about earlier, please be aware in your treatment and maybe discuss how this image is going to work for the square crop for Instagram, the portrait crop for Snapchat, and the landscape crop for Facebook.

I considered many potential products someone might buy from a department store and many department stores have fragrance counters near the entrance. I considered good from other departments as potential hero objects for this treatment in the end I settled on using a fragrance as the hero. This decision was taken for practical reasons as the creative process could be realised without significant support team and production activities.

The image below is the square format version of the treatment. with the background being extended horizontally or vertically for the facebook and snapchat formats.  


Instagram Version

Once I had created this treatment I did consider if in fact if it was really an appropriate image to launch a European department store in the UK as the product I selected is available in existing UK department stores. I did spend some time research the site of on-line French store La Redoute(, 2017) and given more time I might have selected products from their catalogue to act as the hero for my treatment.


  • (2017). La Redoute, French Style Made Easy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Dec. 2017].


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