The day of the show arrived. All the exhibits had to be in the show hall by 11:00 a.m. The good news is that the venue is only a few minutes by car. We arrived at the show hall at 10:00 a.m.and found the boards for the photographic classes. Find the name cards for my exhibits in the different classes. Pin the pictures to the board and after 10 minutes everything was in done. Time to go home and return later in the afternoon to find out the results.
Returned back to the show hall 3p.m. to see how I had done. Wow out of the five photographs I had entered four had been placed in the different classes. One third, two seconds and a first. Not a bad result for my first show.
There was one final surprise to the day though I had not won the best overall photographic exhibit I had done enough to come join first with the highest number of points across the photography section.