Production 1 – Activity

For Production Week 1 I had two key activities:

  • Planning for the Oral Presentation
  • Priniting Book Dummy 3

The first task for the week was to draft a plan for my Oral Presentation. Reviewing the requirements for the oral presentation and the material covered in the module I decided to title my presentation Strategies, Surfaces and Showtime. This title reflected the topics I wanted to cover in the presentation. To help with the planning I created an outline for the presentation to share in this week’s webinar.

The approach was to look at my practice in relation to the 4 strategies and then consider how I use the three different surfaces to share my work with my target audience. The plan was to write a script for the presentation and incorporate any feedback from the webinar in the final script.


The second activity for the week was preparing third book dummy that I would take to the Photobook at Magnum Photography. My plan was to self print the dummy in a square book format with double sided pages. Most photographic paper is only designed to print on one side and is did not want to stick photographic pages back to back as the paperweight would be too high in my opinion.  After some research I found Chroma Papers Matte/ Matte paper which is double sided printer paper. I created page templates for the odd and even pages so that I could then trim the page to create the square format with a 1in page bleed. Initially I planned to use Japanese binding to bind the book. I revised the binding approach and decided to use bulldog clips which would allow me to add and remove pages as required. 


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