I looked to answer the following questions in the activity Looking Back:
Introduce the topic of your project
Introduce the area of concern or your angle
Summarise work made in previous modules
Describe the intentions you had for the break
Share work produced during the break
Introduce the topic of your project
My project is titled ‘Tilbury to Harwich’ is on a physical level a journey along the Essex coastline through the gaze of some who has travelled and lived abroad. Though it can be seen as a journey of self-discovery exploration and development. Exact nature of my final project is still evolving as I have progressed through the different modules though I remain convinced that place will continue to feature strongly in the final project.
Introduce the area of concern or your angle
Over the last 20 years has been viewed through the eyes of popular culture and most recently through television programmes such as TOWIE my project looks to introduce the reader to a different aspect to the county through diverse images of the coastline that are current yet link back to history of the counties coastline. Overall my objective is to encourage the reader to look below the surface of the superficial and discover the diversity that exists.
Summarise work made in previous modules
During previous modules I executed a number of micro-projects that are resolved bodies of work to run alongside the development of a larger body of work to support my main project.
In the second module I completed two micro-projects:
Re-seeing Childhood: explores my childhood through the images taken by my father combining images taken of the family with images from his business trips around the world.
City Canyons: photographically is about my daily journeys through the City of London travelling along different streets around the city. When walking the familiar streets I no longer stop and gaze instead I focus on getting from A to B and the route becomes a blur of visual images.
In the third module I focused on documenting a single location through multiple visits to a disused building at the local water treatment works. Engaging with the building using multiple photographic techniques to discern the technique that would best tell the story.
Describe the intentions you had for the break
During the break I set myself two objectives the first was to shoot new material for my main project which involved visits to two seaside towns Clacton-on-Sea and Southend-on-Sea. I focused on two landmark building the piers the former opened in 1871 and the later in 1889.
In addition to continuing the development of my main project the break has involved preparation work for my exhibition at London Photo Show at the Strand Gallery in October. Based on the lessons learnt from the ‘Strategies and Surfaces’ module I spent time working with the printer on the images plus developing the supporting material such as pre-release, exhibit labels and website for the exhibition.
Share work produced during the break
I have decide to share 3 images from my recent shoots of the piers.