Project – Re-seeing Childhood – Final Edit

Having spent many days viewing slides selection pairs of slides to combine for the Series No. 1 ‘Re-Seeing Childhood’ time has arrived to complete the final edit for images to include in the work in progress portfolio. To aid the edit process I created a number of contact sheets and then adopted a tick and cross approach to make the final edit. After careful consideration of story and image quality 8 images were selected for the portfolio submission. The following images show the selections for the shortlist of images.  


It was my father’s birthday on the 15th April so while visiting my parents I showed them the final selection which was well received. It prompted a family discussion on when and where some of the images were taken. My father agreed to write a few words on what he remember of the images which I feel nicely completes the circle. The decision to caption the images with my father’s text has parallels to photographs such as Jim Goldberg who would have his sitters write on the image. For reference a couple of his images from From Rich and Poor are included.

Jim Goldberg, Susie rm 54, 1977, From Rich and Poor
Jim Goldberg, Edgar & Regina Goldstine, 1977, From Rich and Poor

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