Cardboard – The Curator

For the second Photography Interlude I was asked to lead the discussion on the images created by the cohort in response to the second theme cardboard. I decided that for this second photography interlude I would create a brochure of the images submitted as though I was curating and exhibition titled Cardboard using the images submitted as this week’s subject was placing images into the gallery / museum context.

The banal nature of cardboard provided the photographers with a multiplicity of interpretations however some common threads appeared in the images. Three images contained self-portraits which is not something seen to date from a couple of the cohort including myself. The domesticity appeared in a number of the images. The final thread evident in the images was the functional nature of cardboard as a product including is re-use to provide a medium for Philip Singleton to attach is panoramic images and visualise a scale model of a potential gallery space.

Don Hodgson image Living outside the box summed up the more abstract and creative images submitted for the week.

I could not have created this brochure without the creative input from my fellow cohort contributors.

Curating Cardboard

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