Day 8 started early with a trip to a restaurant for breakfast. By 8:00 am we were on the road to visit the Preah Vihear temple close to the Thailand border.

After the fun of yesterday I decided to take the easier route via some graded roads which also would ensure extra time at the Preah Vihear temple to take pictures. The route out of town was simple and once out of town our speed increased and we started to make good time even with the construction traffic on the road. Entering a small town my bike started to splutter and just after passing a lorry the engine died. A quick with the guide confirmed I had just run out of petrol as luck would have it we were just outside the first petrol station we had seen since leaving T’ Beang Meanchey. Bike refueled we headed off on the next stretch of road to the temple which took us past a large number of army camps evidence of recent tension with Thailand about the border between the two countries. The last stretch of road to the temple was up a steep switch back track similar to the mountain roads in Switzerland. Once at the temple we parked the bikes arrange by some police to keep an eye on the bikes while we set off for the temple.
The temple is one of the world heritage sites and consists of 5 walled temples one inside the other. The site is truly amazing with its stunning views across the valley into Thailand. We stopped for a rest break at the entrance to the second temple and brought some food from a food trader and had this wonderful pancake with sticky rice and sugar. Then it was onwards to the final three temples and more stunning views.
Once the other part of the group arrived it was down the mountain and off for lunch in a little town.
The remainder of the journey to Koh Ker was uneventful and was taken at speed on graded highways. As we had made good time we decided to visit the temple Preset Kaoh Ker temple and watch the sunset over the temple. The temple is a large pyramid structure as it was getting close to sunset we decided not to climb the temple but I did take some photos of the temple in the fading light.
When we got back to the bikes it was dark so we returned to our guest house along the track in the dark trying to remember the dips and bumps from the journey down to the temple.