The trail we would be following today is known as the death highway taking us into some more jungle.

After a nice breakfast, we set off on the highway for about 80 km along the graded highway making good progress to reach the start of the ox tracks around midday. The trails twisted and turned through the jungle sometimes making it difficult to spot the other rides ahead. The track was a mix of sand and hard clay with a few small shallow river crossings. After about three hours we were nearing our objective a ferry crossing that would take us back onto the graded highway. Unfortunately, a wrong turn close to the river in the dense jungle meant a small group of us hot lost in the dense jungle. We spent an extra 1 and half hours finding a route back to the correct track and after a short ride, the ferry was in view. It later became clear that we had only been about 500m from the river just a bit further upstream.
Another graded highway took us into Banlung and the amazing Terres Rouge hotel which would be our two-day rest stop to allow the mechanics to check over the bikes.