An early start and we left the hotel at 8:00. There was a political rally going on a people were flocking from the surrounding towns to hear the president speak so we decided to make a quick getaway.

A short ride on a graded highway took us to the start of the King’s Highway (well the old one.) The track took us up into the mountains through the jungle the trail twisted and turned through the hills. The road surface was a mix of hard pack earth and rocks. We popped out of 1 part of the jungle to come across a small settlement perched on the top of a hill consisting of only a few houses.
After a few hours of riding the King’s highway, we hit a graded road and then surprisingly a new tarmac highway that had recently been built. This reduced the remainder of our journey to Sen Monorom from 3 hours to 1 hour allowing us to have a late lunch in Sen Monorom. Feed and bikes re-fuelled took and 30 km ride on trails to visit the nearby waterfalls, a great photo opportunity. A few of the group went for a swim in the river. A quick blast back from the waterfall to our hotel on the other side of town for a meal and some drinking around a fire was the end of day 3.