London Photo Show – Promo Cards

In addition to producing material to hang next to the exhibits I decided to produce some promotional cards to support the exhibition. I decided to retain the same design cues from the book dummy for ‘Last person…’ on the front page of the promo cards. I decided for a double sided layout as the cost was not different. The backside of the promo cards was split into two parts the left side of the page contained details about the art work including price for each image. The right hand side contained details of all my social media channels plus contact details. The postcard format meant that some visitors might take the promo card away and use it as a small piece of art in their home potentially looking on the reverse side in the future and using the social media information to re-engage with my work.

I decided to produce 200 postcards for the show.


Note at the end of the show I still had 150 promo cards.The cards did not have any details specific to the event and the unused cards could be used if the work was exhibited again at a future date. Though in hindsight a limited run of 100 cards would have been more than adequate for a show such as London Photo Show be remain tighter on budget.

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